引用 dist/js/dropify.js, dist/css/dropify.css 和 dist/fonts/* 到项目中,并使用jq实例化:
1 | $( '.dropify' ).dropify(); |
defaultFile: 如果有默认文件可使用它。可以在使用插件时初始化此选项,或直接在DOM元素中使用data-default-file="url_of_your_file"(推荐)。
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-default-file = "url_of_your_file" /> |
height: dropify元素高度。或如下例子设置DOM元素属性: data-height="300"
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-height = "300" /> |
maxFileSize: 设置上传文件大小。如果超出设置大小则显示错误信息。单位有:K, M 和 G.
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-max-file-size = "3M" /> |
minWidth: 设置最小宽度。超出此选项会显示错误信息
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-min-width = "400" /> |
maxWidth: 设置最大宽度。超出此选项会显示错误信息
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-max-width = "1000" /> |
minHeight: 设置最小高度。超出此选项会显示错误信息
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-min-height = "400" /> |
maxHeight: 设置最大高度。超出此选项会显示错误信息
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-max-height = "1000" /> |
disabled: 使控件失效。
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" disabled = "disabled" /> |
showRemove: 显示移除按钮。默认为true.
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-show-remove = "false" /> |
showLoader: 显示加载器。默认: true.
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-show-loader = "false" /> |
showErrors: 是否显示错误信息,默认: true.
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-show-errors = "true" /> |
errorsPosition: 错误信息显示位置,有两选项:overlay or outside。默认: overlay.
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-errors-position = "outside" /> |
allowedFormats: 设置允许通过或拒绝的图片格式。如添加属性 data-allowed-formats="portrait square"只允许portrait和square图上传。默认值:
1 2 | ['portrait', 'square', 'landscape']. < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-allowed-formats = "portrait square" /> |
allowedFileExtensions: 允许文件扩展名。例如添加属性 data-allowed-file-extensions="pdf png psd" 将允许PDF, PNG 和 PSD 文件上传默认值所有扩展名都允许: ['*'].
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-allowed-file-extensions = "pdf png psd" /> |
maxFileSizePreview: 设置预览文件大小的最大值(假设为图片)。如果文件大小超出此值,那么只有文件图标而不显示预览图。单位有K, M 和 G。
1 | < input type = "file" class = "dropify" data-max-file-size-preview = "3M" /> |
messages: 此选项能让你设置自定义信息,并仅能用数组设置并初始化。该信息会被tpl选项替换。
1 2 3 | $( '.dropify' ).dropify({ messages: { 'default' : 'Drag and drop a file here or click' , 'replace' : 'Drag and drop or click to replace' , 'remove' : 'Remove' , 'error' : 'Ooops, something wrong appended.' } } |
error: 此项能代替默认的错误信息,仅能用数组方式初始化。 {{ value }} 为代替的选项值文本标记。
1 2 3 | $( '.dropify' ).dropify({ error: { 'fileSize' : 'The file size is too big ({{ value }} max).' , 'minWidth' : 'The image width is too small ({{ value }}}px min).' , 'maxWidth' : 'The image width is too big ({{ value }}}px max).' , 'minHeight' : 'The image height is too small ({{ value }}}px min).' , 'maxHeight' : 'The image height is too big ({{ value }}px max).' , 'imageFormat' : 'The image format is not allowed ({{ value }} only).' } } |
tpl: 用于更新默认的模板,仅在初始化时用数组方式设置。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | $( '.dropify' ).dropify({ tpl: { wrap: '<div class="dropify-wrapper"></div>' , loader: '<div class="dropify-loader"></div>' , message: '<div class="dropify-message"><span class="file-icon" /> <p>{{ default }}</p></div>' , preview: '<div class="dropify-preview"><span class="dropify-render"></span><div class="dropify-infos"><div class="dropify-infos-inner"><p class="dropify-infos-message">{{ replace }}</p></div></div></div>' , filename: '<p class="dropify-filename"><span class="file-icon"></span> <span class="dropify-filename-inner"></span></p>' , clearButton: '<button type="button" class="dropify-clear">{{ remove }}</button>' , errorLine: '<p class="dropify-error">{{ error }}</p>' , errorsContainer: '<div class="dropify-errors-container"><ul></ul></div>' } } |
dropify.beforeClear: 该事件在点击“移除”按钮时呼叫,并在清理预览图之前。你能使用element.xxxx来访问所有的Dropify对象属性。
1 2 3 4 5 | var drEvent = $( '.dropify' ).dropify(); drEvent.on( 'dropify.beforeClear' , function (event, element) { return confirm( "Do you really want to delete \"" + element.filename + "\" ?" ); }); |
dropify.afterClear: 该事件在点击“移除”按钮时呼叫,并在清理预览图之后。你能使用element.xxxx来访问所有的Dropify对象属性。
1 2 3 4 5 | var drEvent = $( '.dropify' ).dropify(); drEvent.on( 'dropify.afterClear' , function (event, element) { alert( 'File deleted' ); }); |
dropify.errors: 当一个或多个错误在进程当中出现时该事件被呼叫。
1 2 3 4 5 | var drEvent = $( '.dropify' ).dropify(); drEvent.on( 'dropify.errors' , function (event, element) { alert( 'Has Errors!' ); }); |
dropify.error.xxxxx: 另外dropify.errors可以根据具体错误事件来执行各自的逻辑。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | var drEvent = $( '.dropify' ).dropify(); drEvent.on( 'dropify.error.fileSize' , function (event, element) { alert( 'Filesize error message!' ); }); drEvent.on( 'dropify.error.minWidth' , function (event, element) { alert( 'Min width error message!' ); }); drEvent.on( 'dropify.error.maxWidth' , function (event, element) { alert( 'Max width error message!' ); }); drEvent.on( 'dropify.error.minHeight' , function (event, element) { alert( 'Min height error message!' ); }); drEvent.on( 'dropify.error.maxHeight' , function (event, element) { alert( 'Max height error message!' ); }); drEvent.on( 'dropify.error.imageFormat' , function (event, element) { alert( 'Image format error message!' ); }); |