New users 450
45% Increase in 28 Days
Avg Time 155
40% Increase in 28 Days
Total Prodcut 52
85% Increase in 28 Days
Sales 13,921 $
50% Increase in 28 Days
Area Chart
Activity Log
John Tasi Prepare for the Meeting status
10:00 PM Sat, 10 Jan 2019
Video conference to client
05:00 PM Sun, 02 Feb 2019
10:00 PM Sat, 10 Jan 2019
New Request 10 user request to approve or remove
10:00 PM Sat, 10 Jan 2019
Mark Henry added your friend list now
10:00 PM Sat, 10 Jan 2019


65,800 + 20%

Total Sale This Year

1,204 + 5%

Sale This week

2,690 + 125

New Sales This Month

2,690 + 125

New Sale This Month



3 Event

Monday february 2019

  • 8:00 PM

    Mathematic Lesson

  • 9: 30 PM

    Meeting With Josh

  • 12: 15 PM

    Launch time


  • 2301visits from Facebook

  • 1357visits from Twitter

  • 2765visits from Search

  • 3121visits from Linkedin

Social Campaigns

Campaign Client Changes Budget Status
Facebook Beavis 2.43% $1478 Active
Youtube Felix 1.43% $951 Closed
Twitter Cannibus -8.43% $632 Hold
Spotify Neosoft 7.43% $325 Hold

Resent Chat

Hello, John
What is the update on Project?
Hello, John
What is the update on Project?
Hello, John
What is the update on Project?
Hello, John
What is the update on Project?


Total Profit


New Orders


Yearly Revineue


New Users