
var friends = TAFFY([
    {"id":1,"gender":"M","first":"John","last":"Smith","city":"Seattle, WA","status":"Active"},
    {"id":2,"gender":"F","first":"Kelly","last":"Ruth","city":"Dallas, TX","status":"Active"},
    {"id":3,"gender":"M","first":"Jeff","last":"Stevenson","city":"Washington, D.C.","status":"Active"},
    {"id":4,"gender":"F","first":"Jennifer","last":"Gill","city":"Seattle, WA","status":"Active"}    

// Find all the friends in Seattle
friends({city:"Seattle, WA"});

// Find John Smith, by ID

// Find John Smith, by Name

// Kelly's record
var kelly = friends({id:2}).first();

// Kelly's last name
var kellyslastname = kelly.last;

// Get an array of record ids
var cities = friends().select("id");

// Get an array of distinct cities
var cities = friends().distinct("city");

// Apply a function to all the male friends
friends({gender:"M"}).each(function (r) {
   alert(r.name + "!");

// Move John Smith to Las Vegas
friends({first:"John",last:"Smith"}).update({city:"Las Vegas, NV:"});

// Remove Jennifer Gill as a friend

// insert a new friend
friends.insert({"id":5,"gender":"F","first":"Jennifer","last":"Gill","city":"Seattle, WA","status":"Active"});