
jQuery image zoom plugin


Use your mouse cursor or finger to zoom and pan the images below.





EasyZoom does not rely on a specific markup structure but it is important that the EasyZoom target element (<div class="easyzoom">) only contains a link to the large image and the smaller image. Any other elements within the EasyZoom target must not affect its layout, E.G. elements that are positioned absolutely.

<div class="easyzoom">

    <a href="images/zoom.jpg">

        <img src="images/standard.jpg" alt="" />




The EasyZoom target element must 'shrink wrap' the smaller image, this can be achieved either by floating it or by displaying it as an inline block . Extra white space below the image (usually caused by the line box the image sits within) can be removed either by displaying it at block level or changing its position within the line box.

Take a look at the included easyzoom.css for more information on styling EasyZoom.

/* Shrink wrap strategy 1 */

.easyzoom {

    float: left;


.easyzoom img {

    display: block;


/* Shrink wrap strategy 2 */

.easyzoom {

    display: inline-block;


.easyzoom img {

    vertical-align: bottom;



The EasyZoom plugin is instantiated as any other jQuery plugin and an instances API can be accessed via element data. EasyZoom is also AMD and CommonJS compatible.

// Instantiate EasyZoom plugin

var $easyzoom = $('.easyzoom').easyZoom();

// Get the instance API

var api = $easyzoom.data('easyZoom');


Global options can be specified via the standard jQuery plugin interface.

The text to display within the notice box while loading the zoom image. Default: "Loading image".
The text to display within the notice box if an error occurs loading the zoom image. Default: "The image could not be loaded".
Prevent clicks on the zoom image link. Default: true.
Callback function to execute when the flyout is displayed. Default: undefined
Callback function to execute when the flyout is removed. Default: undefined


Displays the zoom image flyout. Optionally takes an instance of a
Removes the zoom image flyout.
Removes all events and elements created and attached by EasyZoom.
.swap(standardSrc, zoomSrc)
Easily switch the standard and zoom image sources.