兼容所有浏览器(记住,jQuery的2 *及以上不支持<IE9,如果您使用的是,对于那些旧的浏览器不支持)
要使用你需要> = 1.8的jQuery和插件本身的插件:
1 2 | < script src = "js/jquery.slight-submenu.min.js" ></ script > |
1 | < link rel = "stylesheet" href = "css/slight-submenu.css" /> |
1 | $( 'selector' ).slightSubmenu(options); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 | $( '#master-menu' ).slightSubmenu({ buttonActivateEvents: 'click mouseenter' , // Space separated events string (just as you would use in a plain jQuery .on('events-string', ...) ) that activate the expand/collapse buttons buttonCloseNotSubmenuEvents: 'mouseenter' , // the events that should collapse a submenu are the same as the ones that open it - this option lets you specify those that should not be able to close it multipleSubmenusOpenedAllowed: true , // pretty straighforward - if set to false, only a single submenu at a time can stay expanded prependButtons: false , // this is where to put the buttons inside the parent LI - in the beginning (true) or just before the submenu UL (false) applyInlineCss: false , // more control with javascript topUlClass: 'slight-submenu-master-ul' , // class for the top most ul, holding the LIs with submenu ULs topLiClass: '' , // class for the top UL LIs topLiWithUlClass: 'li-with-ul' , // class for the LIs that hold an UL buttonClass: 'slight-submenu-button' , // class for the expand/collapse buttons buttonSubmenuOpenedClass: 'opened' , // class for the button when its corresponding submenu is visible submenuUlClass: 'slight-submenu-ul' , // class for the directLiInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defDirectLiInlineCss, // *InlineCss options hold js objects with css definitions (those options correspond to the elements we can attach classes to) submenuUlInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defSubmenuUlInlineCss, topContainerInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defTopContainerInlineCss, buttonInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonInlineCss, buttonActiveInlineCss: $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonActiveInlineCss, // callbacks that control the way the currently processed submenu is managed handlerButtonIn: $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerButtonIn, // receives a jQuery object (the $submenuUl) as an argument; makes the menu visible handlerForceClose: $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerForceClose // receives a jQuery object (the $submenuUl) as an argument; hides the menu handlerGenerateButtonMarkup: $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerGenerateButtonMarkup // allows for custom submenu button markup }); |
引用$.fn.slightSubmenu.* objects/functions看起来像这样:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerButtonIn = function ($submenuUl) { $submenuUl.show(1000); }; $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerForceClose = function ($submenuUl) { $submenuUl.hide(1000); }; // the passed argument, by default is settings.buttonClass $.fn.slightSubmenu.handlerGenerateButtonMarkup = function (buttonClass) { return '<span class="' + buttonClass + '"></span>' ; }; $.fn.slightSubmenu.defTopContainerInlineCss = { position: 'relative' }; $.fn.slightSubmenu.defDirectLiInlineCss = {}; $.fn.slightSubmenu.defSubmenuUlInlineCss = {}; $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonActiveInlineCss = {}; $.fn.slightSubmenu.defButtonInlineCss = { background: '#ccc' , display: 'inline' , marginLeft: '8px' , width: '10px' , height: '18px' , position: 'absolute' , cursor: 'pointer' // this might be the difference // between the 'click' working on iOS and not }; |