1 2 | < script src = "lib/jquery-1.11.0.min.js" ></ script > < script src = "waterpipe.js" ></ script > |
1 2 3 | < div id = "wavybg-wrapper" style = "width: 100%; height: 100%;" > < canvas >Your browser does not support HTML5 canvas.</ canvas > </ div > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | var smokyBG = $( '#wavybg-wrapper' ).waterpipe({ //Default values gradientStart: '#000000' , gradientEnd: '#222222' , smokeOpacity: 0.1, numCircles: 1, maxMaxRad: 'auto' , minMaxRad: 'auto' , minRadFactor: 0, iterations: 8, drawsPerFrame: 10, lineWidth: 2, speed: 1, bgColorInner: "#ffffff" , bgColorOuter: "#666666" }); |
选择类型 默认值
gradientStart string '#000000' 开始颜色的十六进制格式。
gradientEnd string '#222222' 渐变结束色十六进制格式。
smokeOpacity number 0.1 0.1号烟度0至1。.
numCircles int 1 Number of circles (smokes).
maxMaxRad int or 'auto' 'auto'可以用来改变圆半径的大小
minMaxRad int or 'auto' 'auto'可以用来改变圆半径的大小
minRadFactor int 0 表示相对于最大可能的最小半径大小。从0到1的整数。
iterations int 8 The number of subdividing steps to take when creating a single fractal curve. Can use more, but anything over 10 (thus 1024 points) is overkill for a moderately sized canvas.
drawsPerFrame int 10 Number of curves to draw on every tick of the timer
lineWidth number 2 Line width
speed int 1 Drawing speed (tick of timer in ms)
bgColorInner string '#ffffff' 背景外观颜色的十六进制格式
bgColorOuter string '#666666' 背景内颜色的十六进制格式